Monday 27 October 2014

First Aid in the Workplace - What qualifications and how many? Lets make it easier!

One of the challenges business owners face is getting their heads round the mountain of information that applies to their business.

One thing business owners have in common, is that, they are very good at what they do - If they weren't, they wouldn't do it! Whether they operate a Glass manufacturing plant, a Garage, or a Corner shop, they are at the head of their game.

Most Barbers can't fly planes, and most pilots can't cut hair - and often it is the case, that getting to grips with matters that effect your business can seem like an unnecessary distraction.

So, they outsource. The pilot goes to the barber when he wants his hair cut, the barber goes to the pilots company when he wants to fly somewhere.

But, they at least need to know what kind of haircut they want, or where they want to fly to!

I can't cut hair, but what I can do is best direct you to the qualifications needed to remain compliant within the First Aid Regulations. I've done one better, I've simplified it all to save time!

Take a look at First Aid Training for more information. You'll go straight to the right page to be able to calculate what the requirements state.

As always, you can never be over qualified! Even if your business is in the low risk bracket, it is much better to be over qualified, and in all instances, it is good practice to hold a First Aid at Work certificate.

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