Friday 9 January 2015

What will First Aid be like in 100 Years time?

If only we had a time machine! (Personally, I'd go back to the 80's, mainly so my wardrobe would be back in fashion, and I prefer the music!).

When we look back at First Aid 100 years ago, a lot has changed (and even more remains the same!).

The biggest changes are related to the advancement of medical technology. Bandages are still in, as are other tools of the trade, but now we know more about life saving, and preventative / restorative medicine.

In 100 years from now, what will it be like?

I personally envisage a time where the First Aid kit will involve some kind of wand.  A device that uses technology we currently don't know about, that when activated, it diagnoses, and acts accordingly.

Perhaps it will instruct the First Aider of the Future to take some kind of action, setting another device to do something to heal the casualty.

That casualty would then be extracted to a Hospital perhaps, where they will place them inside a special machine that scans the entire body, before making further decisions on treatments to be delivered....

Or perhaps I'm just dreaming... what do you think First Aid will look like in 100 years?

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